Wednesday, 12 December 2012

!!! No Recoil+No flash/smoke+No Spread !!!

Important: always backup your standard.ini  file before replacing it...!!

       Happy fraggers this modification will simply remove recoil and spread out of your gun.....
So no recoil means no undue movement of cross-hair in y axis (vertical axis).
And no spread means no scattering of bullets in any direction.....
Means total control....!!!
    But it does not includes aim-bot or wall-hack.....

Additionally it has got scripts for no flash and no smoke......
Means no more being blinded....!!!

Here is the script:-

  1.  Copy all the contents
  2.  Open notepad and paste the contents
  3.  Rename the file as standard.ini and replace with the file present in your MPH  Leis  folder 
 Start counterstrike  Run leis.exe. Done enjoy. If having trouble running the script read older posts...

                             if you don't have mph leis download from here...

copy this code

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Settings For Sniper

Now that you guys have used MPH-LEIS already i will help you modify it according to your needs....


1. Open mph leis folder and locate standard.ini file
2. Right click and click on run as admin
3. Delete all the contents of the file and copy paste the settings below. Save and play cs. Enjoy...:)
4. Avoid facing multiple targets simultaneosly
Note: These are the settings for magnum sniper (works fine with ak47 too)

// lines beginning with an '//' are ignored
// you can use them to comment things

// List of available commands:
//  set <name> <value> - sets a variable to the given value
//  load <config> - loads another config file
//  alias <name> <commands> - creates an alias for a line of commands
//  key <num> <command> - attaches a command to a key
//  togglemenu - opens / closes the menu
//  closemenu - closes the menu instantly
//  naventer - enters current menu item
//  navleave - leaves current menu item
//  navleft - navigates menu left
//  navright - navigates menu right
//  navup - navigates menu up
//  navdown - navigates menu down
//  disableall - sets all variables to 0

// List of available key names:
// A - Z
// 0 - 9
// F1 - F12
// NUM0 - NUM9
// NUM

// aliases
alias reload "load standard.ini"
alias togglepanic "closemenu; disableall; alias togglepanic reload"

alias toggleradar enableradar
alias enableradar "set rad_Active 1; alias toggleradar disableradar"
alias disableradar "set rad_Active 0; alias toggleradar enableradar"

// key events
key L togglemenu
key J togglepanic
key Y toggleradar
key ENTER naventer
key P navleave
key ESC navleave
key LEFTARROW navleft
key UPARROW navup
key RIGHTARROW navright
key DOWNARROW navdown

// aimkey
alias +aim "set aim_Active 1; set aim_Autoshoot 1"
alias -aim "set aim_Active 0; set aim_Autoshoot 0"
key MOUSE1 +aim

// radar
alias +radar enableradar
alias -radar disableradar
// key MOUSE3 +radar

// settings
set aim_Active 1
set aim_Deathmatch 0
set aim_Aimthrough 0
set aim_HideWpnEvent 0
set aim_Autoshoot 0
set aim_NoSpread 1
set aim_NoRecoil 0
set aim_Silent 0
set aim_Smooth 0
set aim_Smoothtype 2
set aim_Aimspot 10
set aim_Prediction 4
set aim_DrawAimspot 1
set aim_FOV 2
set aim_DrawFOV 0
set aim_MinDistance 0
set aim_DrawMinDistance 0
set aim_NoTwitching 1

set esp_Style 1
set esp_Visible 2
set esp_Size 3

set wh_DrawPlayer 0
set wh_DrawWeapon 0
set wh_ColorPlayer 0
set wh_ColorWeapon 0
set wh_GlowGrenade 0

set rad_Active 0
set rad_Size 125

set rem_RemoveSmoke 1
set rem_RemoveFlash 1
set rem_DrawMessage 1

Thursday, 20 September 2012


Must have used it some time or other...
This is the most commonly used and easily available counter strike hack....
but it has been underrated because people find it very naive.
But ill tell you how to modify and use it to best effect without being detected.

but first download it from here and use it for a while...
totally virus free, tested by me...
Note: Window 7 users- if hack is not working try running it in xp compatible mode.
          right click on leis>properties>compatibility>check the box with "run this program in compatibility      mode"

ill be uploading the modified settings for leis soon....till then enjoy..:)

Hi friends,
     I am Maddyy and here to share my years of counter-strike experience with you people....
Counter-strike as you all know is one of the most popular multiplayer server based game today. With millions of fans an players all over the globe. With more players buying in steam and joining the game everyday.
                  But where do you find yourself....lost in the huge pool of players. Some pro, some learning and some complete noobs.
NOOBS- newbies, new to the game or easy kills
So I am here to help you out, your road towards proness begins now...
